Saturday 12 April 2008

The comeback kiss by Lani Diane Rich

*** out of *****

I should probably give this more stars, but the lead characters are such idiots they annoyed me the whole way through. It has a lot of similarities to Jennifer Crusie in terms of the writing style and elements of the plot, that I couldn't help comparing it to Faking It (minor criminal going straight) and Tell Me Lies (lost love returns). Both of which are better. Its promising and passed the time pleasantly but I couldn't love it, and with all the quirky small town atmostphere it is desperate for you to love it.

Genre: romance

Read: 12/4/8

1 comment:

Bakey Cakey said...

You are so right LB - they are the most annoying characters ever. Maybe Jenny Crusie has spoilt us for other romance writers?